Friday, August 12, 2011

Don't You Dare Call Me a Backpacker

Is there anything I should be doing or reading to help me prepare for school? 

Take a vacation.  Don't read anything related to Oriental Medicine.  Don't even think about it.  You're going to spend the next 3 years of your life in a highly intense medical program so... Take a vacation.

I'm finally done with A&P II (Woke up to the words: oogenesis and glomerular  filtration wheeling around in my head.  Post-Traumatic-Stress Disorder?); and I'm off to Nicaragua hasta manana for a WHOLE WEEK!  True, compared to my 2-years of traveling, a week is a blink but I'm so done traveling with a one-way ticket that a week-long holiday... A VAY-CAY... Is just fine with me. 

I don't have to worry about getting dengue (again!) or being dropped off in the middle of nowhere with vultures trying to steal the little stuff I have because... I'm taking the freakin' tourist shuttle! 

Also, I can relax and not have to stress about finding the cheapest guesthouse (Even if it has cat-sized rats & heroin addicts running around who bite you in the middle of the night.  The addicts, and occasionally, the rats.) because...

I will be staying here...

And doing this...

And much-needed this...

Devouring this...

Which will fuel me up for this...

It's been too long since I've done these...

Stoked to see if I can do this...

But I'm really looking forward to doing this...

And giving gratitude to this...